Monday, April 8, 2013

The 10 Most Costly Mistakes Home Buyers Make

The 10 MosCostly Mistakes Home Buyers Make

As a Real Estate Agent with many years experience I often see buyers disappointed as a more 
qualified buyer has taken their dream property away. I am hoping that the "10 mistakes that home 
buyers make" will help you when making your decision when to buy and how much you can afford.

  1. Waiting Too Long To Buy
     “Although exceptions do occur, buying now nearlalways proves wiser than 
      buying later says GarEldred, Ph. D., author of Yes! 

  You Can Own the Home You Want. When Weighing the pros and cons of 
  renting versus buying, it pays to look into a variety of buying options even i
  you only plan to stay in the home a couple of years. Consider purchasing at a 
  bargain price, buying a fixer upper where you can quickly create Value, o
  buying a home that would make a good rental property investment.

2. Waiting for Interest Rates to Come Down. 
It rarely pays to wait untiinterest rates come down to buy. The window o
affordability can close anytime. If rates are high at the time of purchase buy 
anyway and refinance later.

3. Buying with Your Eyes Focused on the RearvieMirror 
Many home buyers look at past rates of appreciation to determine what 
neighborhoods to consider when purchasing. Since past appreciation is rarely 
an indication of what will happen in the future, be open to looking at 
neighborhoods you thought you’d never consider Investigate value signals 
(good value, strong sales, convenient location, community spirit, community 
action, renovation and new construction, etc.) 

Dr. Eldred says, Look fothose neighborhoods that will be hot” tomorrow, 
not necessarily thosthat were hot yesterday.

4. Not Knowing Exactly How Much You Can Afford 
How much home you can afford depends on how stable your finances are, 
what types of properties youre considering, the financing options available 
to you, how good your credit is and so forth.  Be sure to consult with a loan 
officer before you ever start house hunting to insure that you can buy the 
home you want If youre ready to buy now, think about being pre-approve
for a loan.

Why?  Because pre-approval helps you save money Pre-approved buyer
have great purchasing power and your agent may be able to negotiate a 
better deal for you with pre-approval in your handSellerare also more 
inclined to accept youoffer because they’re dealing with a buyer with an 
approved loan. By completing the pre-approval process before finding a 
home, you'll already know how much you can afford and youre approved fo
a loan so there’s little of the usual anxiety involved, and youlsave time 
Sellers areo more inclined to accept your offer because they’re dealing 
with a buyer with an approved loan.
5. Centering Negotiations on Price 
Many buyers feel as though they neeto get the lowest price when offering 
on a home, howeverthere are otheconcessions a seller can make that are 
morbeneficial to you, the buyer . Your reaestate agent can negotiate on 
your behalfor a seller-paid buy-down or closing costs, credit for repairs, or 
perhaps a washer and dryer, etc All of these things can save you money 
when buying a home Be sure and discuss alyour options with your agen
and ask him or her to helyou evaluate whats best for your specifi

6. Comparing Homes by Purchase Price. 
Be sure to compare not only home prices but also the monthly costs 
associatewith those homes that you are considering.  Costs for utilities
property taxes, homeowners association dues, homeowners insurance 
premiums, maintenance, and other expenses can vary widely from property 
to property.  Estimate the average monthly cost of homeownership on ever
home you look at.

7. Failing to Plan for Homeownership
In survey after survey, writes Dr. Eldred, renters claim they can’t afford to 
buy because they lack sufficient money for a down payment Often this
belief reveals a lack of education about low (or no) down payment home 
finance possibilities But just as often, it reveals a failure to plan” A loan 
officer can show you how to pay off your bills, repair your credit, how to save 
for a down payment, etc Make homeownership your number one priority 
Changing your beliefs about whether you can buy or not is the first step to 
buying a home.

8. Changing your Loan StatusBefore Your Loan Closes.
Changing anything about your financial picture before your loacloses can 
greatly impact your ability to qualify for financing It is absolutely critical to 
avoid changing jobs, switching banks, moving money around, paying off 
bills, opening a new charge account, or making any major purchases 
(furniture, car, appliances, etc.) since doing so can delay your closing or 
prevent you from obtaining a loan altogether.

9. Failing to Estimate Repair and Renovation Cost.  
Its very important to make sure that your new home is inspected by 
professionals so that youre fully aware of any problems the property ma
have Your agent can advise you on termite and roof reports, structura
inspections, and home inspections which cover the major systems (electrical, 
plumbing, etc.) so that you are not hit with big bills immediately after yo
move inKnow what youre getting into before you buy.

10. Failing to Compare Loan Programs and Costs.
Every borrower has different financial goals and needs Making mistake on 
your home loan financing can cost you thousands of dollars Your loa
officer can assist you with all the facts and offers a lender can offer you, 
securing you the best deal and furthermore giving you the right one for your 

Homes For Sale Lake Norman

Up to $200,000

Call me for an appointment to view: Susan Dolan
Phone: 704-560-7201 |

If you need to find out how much you can purchase for, please call my friend 
and Financial colleague David Woldman 

Phone:  980.263.2200   Cell:  704.651.8377  Direct Fax:  704.705.2400

This information was written and supplied by David Woldman 

David Woldman, Charlotte Area Manager
NMLS # 659150   / NC State License #155537

7930 W. Kenton Circle, Suite 150, Huntersville, NC 28078

Please use this link to view the booklet described as settlement costs in your Good Faith Estimate:  http://HUD's Settlement Cost Booklet.pdf